5 Mini-Carnation Heads
1 piece of Filler Flower
1 stem of leather Leafs
5 half wires #24
Floral Tape
1 Ribbon bow & Flag
Floral Sheers
Wire Cutters


1. Wire & Tape each flower head (pearce calyx, bend wires, cover mechanics with Floral Tape)
2. Turn each Flower head into a boutonniere: add a bit of filler flower & put one leather leaf in back
3. Take smallest flower & use it as the first piece of your corsage add the flag to your first flower
4. Add the next size flower & be sure to leave space between each Flower
5. After 3rd Flower add in your bow
6. Add each boutonniere untill you have all 5 flowers getting larger in size as you go down, be sure each flower has its own space so they don't blend together
7. Finish "Tweeking" corsage so that there is space for each flower & d

Materials :
•1 sunflower
•2 stems of pom pom mums
•1 stem of mini carnations
•2 stems of solid aster
•2 cattails
•3 stems of leather leaf


•1 cornucopia ( $5 total)
•1 brick of floral foam (.50 total)
•1 container (.50 total)

1. Put Floral Foam inside of cornucopia
2. Green in with leather leafs at the sides and up top
3. Insert Sunflower, this will be your focal point
4. Start inserting flowers, in a round arrangement. Everything is equal with eachother.

Follow these step by step instructions (:
This arrangement is fairly easy, the title explains it all. The arrangement is going to form an "L" shape
-Floral Foam
-Floral Sheers

1. cut a piece of floral foam and insert it into the container.
2. pick a flower to be your focal point, which will be the tallest flower.
3. Insert your focal flower in a vertical point towards the corner of the floral foam, next start inserting more flowers but horizontally
4. Start adding greens to fill in and to cover the stems

5.  Add in filler flowers preferrably a different color and flower type.
1: Vase
2: flowers of your choice
3: floral shears
4; greens
5: floral foam

Step 1: Choose a tall vase to place  your flowers in.

Step 2: Cut a piece of floral foam and put it inside your vase.

Step 3: Select your focal point of your arrangement. This will be the center of the rest of your arrangement. You want the height of your focal flower to be about one and a half times the height of the container

Step 4: Insert your focal flower into the vase, securing it in the floral foam.  Select and insert two or three flowers around it. These flowers should each be different heights, so that there are graduated heights around your focal flower.

Step 5: Add greens and filler flowers around the center flowers. Cut them lower then the center flowers., make sure your focal point flower is the tallest 
Follow these step by step directions to create a paper flower (:
Difficulty - 1
1. Artificial Flower
2. Flower Tape
3. Pen
1. Take flower and cut it from the bunch, cut atleast 3 inches below head of flower
2. Place flower alongside the pen with the top of the flower at the top of the pen
3.Grab your floral tape ( don't worry about it not being sticky, the heat of your fingers will make it sticky)
4. Start taping the the flower to the pen
5. Start from almost the top, at a 45 degree angle, go up.
6. Start going back down barely overlaping, be sure not to leave any air bubbles
7. When you get to the bottom cut off the excess tape.
8. There you have it you Flower Pen is complete !